Youtube is a great source to make money online in Bangladesh and any other country. That inspire many young boys and girls to become youtuber and make money. It is a good source of earning for freelancer. Here is a guide to become youtuber.

When everyone is trying to become youtuber, many doesn’t know the smart way to start off. Here I will tell you step by step to become youtuber in Bangladesh. However, anyone from any other country can become a youtuber following this process.

Step 1: You need to have an email account, preferably gmail account. If you do not have a gmail accountbecome youtuber, visit and create a mail account.

Step 2: Visit to create a youtube channel. At top left corner of youtube, you will get a menu icon. Click “My channel” from that menu. If you do not have a youtube account, a popup box will appear to give a name of your youtube channel.

2.a: If you already have a youtube channel and want to create another channel, click on your profile picture placed at top right corner of youtube home page. Then click Settings icon (gear icon). That will take to you setting page and at the bottom of the page you will see “Create another channel”. Click there and you will see a popup box to give a name of the channel.

Step 3: Visit your channel and upload brand elements. You need to upload a profile picture and a cover photo. It will give a good impression if someone visit your channel.

Step 4: Varify your channel with your mobile number. Credibility of a verified channel is much higher than a non-varified channel. Visit setting page following the process shown in step 2.a. Click on “Varify” link (beside profile picture) and follow the process. Also give few keywords that describe your channel.

Step 5: You need to enable monetization to earn from Youtube. From the same setting page and “status and features” sub-menu you can enable monitization. For most of you, Monetization is the 3rd feature box shown in the page. Click on “enable monetization” and follow the process.

5.a: If you can not enable monetization, then probably monetization is not allowed from your country. Like, monetization is not allowed from Bangladesh. In that case you need to change the country of your channel to enable monetization. Go to “AdVance” sub-menu and change country name to country where monetization is allowed (Like, United state,  United Kingdom, India etc).

Step 6: You need to add/integrate an adsense account to withdraw money you earned from Youtube. To add with Adsense, you need to go to “Monetization” section clicking on Sub-menu under “Channel”. Then Click on “How will I bee paid” and “associate an adsense account”. That will take you to Adsense. You can use your existing adsense account or you can create a new one. I will suggest to add Adsense once proper branding has done and you have uploaded few good quality video and started to get view. Don’t worry,  your money will not go away.

Step 7: Last but most important step is to upload good quality content on a regular basis. You do not need hundreds of video to earn from youtube. Few great content can do better than hundred videos. Do not copy others content that may block your channel. You may loose all your earnings just because of one copy content.  So If you want to become youtuber and make money,  make your own video. Upload on regular basis. I am not saying upload daily or weekly. If you do not upload on regular basis, youtube will not rank you in good place. Your audiance will loose interest. Enable ad on those video where you want to run ad to earn.

Most of the youtuber loose interest after few weeks when they see earning is not coming quickly. They stop producing video. You need to have patience. You need to try and learn. If you want to become youtuber and make money from youtube, You need to create value for your audience. Only then you will get loyal audiance. Even beside your job or as a freelancer, you can use youtube for passive income.